[Full-time] Bolsa de Investigação - BPD

Responda à proposta de emprego em "[Full-time] Bolsa de Investigação - BPD"

Localização: LisboaDescrição:Admission requirements: PhD in Physics, and experience in quantum information and security.Workplan: The work plan addresses the security analysis of quantum cryptographic protocols under noisy channels, focused on the use of quantum information in e-voting protocols and practicality of quantum bit-commitment implementations. Expertise in quantum walks is also valuable.Legislation and regulations applicable: A fellowship will be celebrated according to the regulations defined by FCT ?Regulation of Instituto de Telecomunicações? fellowships? and ?Regulation of Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources?, in accordance with Law no. 40/2004, dated August 18 (Status of Scientific Research Fellow), as amended and republished by Decree-Law No.202/2012 of August 27, and as amended by Decree-Law No.233/2012 of October 29 and by Law No.12/2013 of January 29, and Decree-Law No. 89/2013 of July 9, and also by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. Fellowship Regulation of Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., approved by Regulation no. 234/2012, published in Series II of Diário da República of June 25 of 2012, amended and republished by Regulation no. 326/2013, published in Series II of Diário da República of July 27 of 2013 and amended by Regulation no. 339/2015, published in Series II of Diário da República of June 17 of 2015. http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/docs/RegulamentoBolsasFCT2015.pdf;Place of work: The work will be developed at SQIG – Instituto de Telecomunicações, under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Mateus.Grant duration : 3 months . The estimated beginning date is on 15th March 2016 (or soon thereafter). The contract will be eventually renewed upon performance.Value for monthly allowance : 1495 Eur , according to table values ??of the scholarships awarded directly by the FCT, in the c ountry ( www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores ).
The payment will be made by bank transfer.Selection methods: Selection of the candidates will be performed by evaluation of the curriculum (35%), previous relevant experience (35%), adequacy to the project (30%), and, if necessary, an interview.Jury : Prof. Doutor Paulo Mateus, Prof. Doutor Carlos Caleiro, Prof. Doutor Pedro Adão.Notification of results: Results will be published on a public space at Instituto de Telecomunicações. The selected candidate will be notified by email.D ocuments to submit: a short description of prior research work and Curriculum Vitae. Applications should be sent by email to Professor Paulo Mateus: paulo.mateus@lx.it.pt.Deadline for applications: the application documents shall be sent by email from the 29th February to 14th March 2016.Candidatar-se a este Emprego

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