[Full-time] Vacancy for 1 Research Fellowship (BI)

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Localização: LisboaDescrição:JOB ANNOUNCEMENT 39/2015Vacancy for 1 Research Fellowship (BI)
O Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon) invites candidates to apply for one Grant as Research Assistant (BI). The Grant will be awarded within the framework of “TRANSRIGHTS – Gender citizenship and sexual rights in Europe: Transgender lives from a transnational perspective ” ( 615594 ), funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and coordinated by Dr Sofia Aboim. More information available at: http://transrightseurope.com/
It is expected that candidates will apply under the following conditions:1 – Admission requirementsMandatory requirements:
a) A completed Master degree or equivalent in Sociology;
b) Proficiency in Portuguese and English;
c) Basic training in qualitative methodologies;
d) Interest and availability to work with gender minorities, immigrant populations and health professionals and institutional actors in Portugal and the four other countries covered by the project (UK, France, Sweden and the Netherlands);
e) Availability for frequent travels;
f) Immediate availability.Valued requirements:
a) Previous work in the field of gender;
b) Previous experience and/or ability for working as part of a research team;
c) Research experience in qualitative and quantitative methods.2 – Tasks
The Research Grant awarded by the TRANSRIGHTS project involves the following tasks within the framework of the project’s research plan and under the PI direct supervision:
a) Conducting fieldwork, interviews and transcriptions;
b) Producing, processing and analysing qualitative and quantitative data;
c) Participation in conferences and seminars, with presentation of scientific papers resulting from the project;
d) Participation and support in the management of project meetings;
e) Participation in the project’s publishing strategy, including reports and others;
f) Any other task that may reasonably arise, related to the full implementation of the TRANSRIGHTS project, and defined by the project coordinator.
The selected grant-holder will work under the supervision of Dr. Sofia Aboim.3 – Relevant legislation
Portuguese Law 40/2004, August 18, and the internal rules of the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.4 – Contract duration
12 months, with 3 months of probation period contingent on a satisfactory performance . The grant might be renewed for equal or different periods up to a full period of 42 months.5 – Pay scale
Salary will be of 980,00 € per month, according to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) Research Grants pay scale ( http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores.phtml.pt ). It includes the payment of personal accident insurance and voluntary social insurance. Please note that this grant is not taxable . Annual fees for expenses with international conferences will be available under previous evaluation of the coordinator.6 – Workplace
The work will be developed on the premises of: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa), and other places considered necessary for the execution of the work plan, under the scientific supervision of the Principal Investigator.7 – Public announcement and deadline for applications
This advertisement and the further particulars to this post will be posted in the website of ICS-UL and in the Eracareers portal. Applications should be sent by 20 th of January 2016 .8 – Application
Candidates are invited to submit their application by sending the following documents:
a) Detailed Curriculum Vitae (in English);
b) Personal statement (in English, 2 pages maximum), in which the candidate is expected to explain the reasons for applying, as well as future career plans;
c) Any publications, academic papers or other relevant documents authored by the candidate;
d) Names and contact details of two recommenders;
e) Copy of the passport/identity card and NIF (fiscal identification number);
f) Copy of the Master certificate and other documents considered relevant.9 – Evaluation criteria
Selection of the candidates will be performed by evaluation of the submitted documents (60% in total, of which the CV weights 50% and the motivation letter 10%), followed by an interview (40%) of the top candidates, taking into consideration their educational performance, professional experience, merit and motivation. The interview is mandatory (optionally by teleconference) where the candidate must have a positive review.10 – Jury for the Selection: Chair: Dr Sofia Aboim; Panel members: Prof. Karin Wall and Prof. Ana Nunes de Almeida.11 – Submission of applications
Formal applications should be submitted electronically concursos.bolsas@ics.ulisboa.pt quoting reference: “Concurso de Bolsas de Investigação n.º 39 /2015”.
The required documentation should be annexed to the application in digital format (pdf or word). Alternatively, paper applications can be sent to Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, Avenida Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9 – 1600-189 Lisboa, Portugal, quoting the reference above on the envelope.12 – Informal inquiries about the position can be made to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Sofia Aboim (sofia.aboim@ics.ul.pt).
Lisbon, 28 th of December 2015
The Director
Research Professor José Luís CardosoCandidatar-se a este Emprego

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