[Full-time] Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre

Responda à proposta de emprego em "[Full-time] Bolsa de Investigação - Mestre"

Localização: LisboaDescrição:Admission requirements:
Candidate with Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Informatics, Informatics and Telecommunications, or related field will be considered for research fellowship.
The candidate should have knowledge and skills for: software development for mobile devices such as smartphone and tablet characterized by Android OS or iOs, Java, ObjectiveC; web based information system development using technologies such as .NET, SQL, Phyton, MySQL, Java, PHP.Workplan:
The successful candidate will participate to research and development of mobile applications and information systems for electronic health records in physiotherapy. In particular, the granted candidate will address: i) design and implementation of architecture for mobile sensing and monitoring of physiotherapy interventions; ii) design of services to be implemented for remote monitoring of physiotherapy interventions by integration of sensors network with mobile applications and communications; iii) development of web based information system for Electronic Health Record and physiotherapy intervention assessment; iv) tests and validation of implemented mobile application and information system.
The successful candidate will participate to: design and development of mobile applications for AndroidOS and iOs mobile devices for data analysis, graphical representation and data communications of physiotherapy interventions; design and development of a web based information system that can receive data from sensors network for physiotherapy interventions monitoring and communicates with human machine interface expressed by smart phone or tables. The design, implementation and tests of mobile applications will be carried out during the scholarship period. Ouvir
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DicionárioLegislation and regulations applicable: A fellowship will be celebrated according to the regulations defined by FCT ”Regulation of Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources”, in accordance with Law no. 40/2004, dated August 18 (Status of Scientific Research Fellow), as amended and republished by Decree-Law No.202/2012 of 27 August, and as amended by Decree-Law No.233/2012 of 29 October and by Law No.12/2013 of January 29, and Decree-Law No. 89/2013 of 9 July, Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. Fellowship Regulation of 2013.
Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da FCT, I. P., aprovado pelo Regulamento nº 234/2012, de 25 de junho, alterado pelo Regulamento nº 326/2013, de 27 de agosto de 2013.
Não dispensa a consulta do Diário da República
www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.pt );Place of work: The work will be developed at the Instituto de Telecomunicações in the Laboratories of the Group of Instrumentation and Measurement, under the supervision of Professor Octavian Postolache.
Instituto de Telecomunicações is one of the largest and most dynamic research institute in Portugal, actively involved in fundamental and applied research in telecommunications both at national and international level.Grant duration : 4 months from 15 December. The fellowship is renewable within the period of the project, with 2 month. Renewal is subjected to suitable performance.Value for monthly allowance : The monthly amount of the grant 980€ is in accordance with the table values of the scholarship awarded directly by the FCT, IP (http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). The grant holder will have a personal accident insurance and, if not covered by any social protection scheme can ensure the right to social security through adherence to the voluntary social insurance scheme, pursuant to Código dos Regimes Contributivos do Sistema Previdencial de Segurança Social. The scholarship will be paid monthly by bank transfer to an account held by the grantee.
( http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores ).
The payment will be made by bank transfer.Selection methods: The candidates will be evaluated according to the following criteria: phase 1, (70%) – academic qualification (20%), grade average (30%), experience and professional activity in the area (30%), publication record (20%); phase 2, (30%) – interview. The candidates that meet the conditions necessary to implement the work plan will be invited to interview. Are encouraged candidates that already concluded the MSc and are interested to continue the research in scientific domain related with Electronic Health Records and research for PhD degree in the field of Electronic Health Record for Physiotherapy considering the information systems and mobile technologies.Jury : Prof. Dr. Octavian Postolache, Prof. Dr. Pedro Girão and Prof. Dr. José Miguel Dias Pereira.Notification of results: The final evaluation results will become public through a final grade ordered list sorted, posted in a conspicuous and public place of the Institute of Telecommunications, Lisbon Pole, and the admitted applicant will be notified by e-mail.Documents to submit:
The competition is open from November 24 to December 9, 2014.
Applications must be formalized, necessarily, by sending the following documents: curriculum vitae, certificate of academic degree, statement letter which must include academic qualifications and experience and professional activity in areas related to the project.
Applications must be sent by E-mail to opostolache@lx.it.ptDeadline for applications: The competition is open from November 24 to December 9, 2014.
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